

Transition Metal-Catalyzed Hydrofunctionalization of Unsaturated Bonds: What Would be the Next Stage?

  • POSTED DATE : 2021-09-01
  • WRITER : 화학과
  • HIT : 2936
  • DATE : 2021년 9월 2일(목) 오후 4시 30분
  • PLACE : Webex

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제  목 : Transition Metal-Catalyzed Hydrofunctionalization of Unsaturated Bonds: What Would be the Next Stage?
연  사 : 신광민 교수(성균관대학교 화학과)
일  시 : 2021년 9월 2일(목오후 4시 30분


방번호: 170 974 2739



Transition Metal-Catalyzed Hydrofunctionalization of Unsaturated Bonds: What Would be the Next Stage?


Kwangmin Shin

Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, South Korea



Alkenes and other unsaturated compounds have been regarded as attractive starting materials in modern organic syntheses owing to the abundance, readily availability, and synthetic versatility of these substrates. Among the transformation of these unsaturated compounds, hydrofunctionalization, an addition of a hydrogen and a functional group across a carbon-carbon double bond, is arguably one of the most efficient methods to prepare more complex molecules from simple alkenes. As a result, a diversity of approaches has been developed. 

Among these strategies, metal-hydride catalyzed olefin hydrofunctionalization has been received particular attention owing to the fact that the desired transformations can be achieved by suitable choice of catalyst/ligand system. Here, I present my research effort toward the establishment of novel carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond forming reactions enabled by transition metal (Cu and Pd) catalysis.

The first part of this talk will discuss the development of copper hydride-catalysis for stereoselective allylation of aldehydes with unactivated 1,3-dienes and enantioselective hydromethylation of vinylarenes.[1,2] Mechanistic investigations will also be described. In the second part, the development of palladaelectrocatalysis for various types of hydrofunctionalization of vinylarenes will be discussed.[3]





[1] Li, C.†; Shin, K.†; Liu, R.Y.; Buchwald, S. L.* Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.2019, 58, 17074-17080. († equally contributed)

[2] Shin, K.; Buchwald, S. L.* Manuscript in preparation. 

[3] Mandal, A.; Kim, H.*; Shin, K.*, Manuscript in preparation.