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제 목 : Pd-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrofunctonalization of Alkoxyallene: Evolution into de novo Glycosidic Bond Formation
연 사 : 이영호 교수(postech)
일 시 : 2022년 11월 10일(목) 오후 4시 30분
장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실
Pd-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrofunctonalization of Alkoxyallene: Evolution into de novo Glycosidic Bond Formation
Young Ho Rhee
Department of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Pohang 37673, Korea
Addition of nucleophiles to allenes represents a fundamental reaction in synthetic organic chemistry. Due to the atom-efficient nature and the capability to generate stereogenic centers, this type of reaction has drawn significant attention from the synthetic community over the last decades.
In this context, we recently reported asymmetric addition reaction of various heteroatom nucleophiles to alkoxyallenes. A number of nucleophiles participate well in this reaction (including amides, alcohols and N-heterocycles) to generate the corresponding O,O- and N,O-acetals in a enantioenriched manner. This unique reaction encouraged us to develop a de novo synthetic strategy towards highly challenging targets such as oligosaccharides and ring-modified nucleosides. Our most recent efforts in this area will be introduced.