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Probing In Situ Nanoscale Chemistry with Plasmon-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Gyeongwon Kang
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, Kangwon National University
E-mail: gkang@kangwon.ac.kr
Plasmonic nanostructures achieve sensitive detection of reaction pathways by confining optical fields near the active surfaces. However, effective control and sensitive observation of reaction pathways remain a challenge in order to utilize nanostructure constructs as efficient catalysis. During this talk, two different surface sensitive reactions are thoroughly studied using surface sensitive plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
(1) A nanoreactor construct exhibiting high catalytic and optical efficiencies, based on a nanoparticle-on-mirror (NPoM) platform is presented. This platform offers a great opportunity to observe and track pathways of the Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyarura coupling reaction of molecules within a set of nanogaps presenting different chemical surfaces.
(2) Local heterogenous redox chemistry of an adsorbed molecule is spatially resolved with electrochemical tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (EC-TERS). In situ EC-TERS intensity map over a nanoscale electrode surface exhibits a well-defined spatial resolution. Electrochemical activity of the molecule sensitive to local electrode environment is also observed with a spatial resolution of 40 nm.
* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내
석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.