

Organic Photophysics Governed by Conformational Heterogeneity

  • POSTED DATE : 2024-09-30
  • WRITER : 화학과
  • HIT : 714
  • DATE : 2024년 10월 10일(목) 오후 4시 30분
  • PLACE : 화학관 2층 330226호실

화학과 세미나가 다음 주 목요일 (10월 10일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 

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- 제목 : Organic Photophysics Governed by Conformational Heterogeneity

- 연사 : 김우재 교수(연세대학교 화학과)

- 일시 : 2024년 10월 10일(목) 오후 4시 30분

- 장소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실

Organic Photophysics Governed by Conformational Heterogeneity

Woojae Kim

Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University



The majority of optoelectronic processes in organic semiconducting materials are typically intermolecular in nature. This indicates that the kinetics or efficiencies of light-induced phenomena such as energy and electron transfer, excimer formation, singlet fission, and triplet-triplet annihilation are strongly influenced by intermolecular geometries. Therefore, understanding the structure-property relationships is crucial to rationally controlling the intermolecular interactions driving these processes in the solid state. However, overcoming the intrinsic structural disorder of the solid state remains a significant challenge. Consequently, tailored molecular dimers have been widely studied as model systems to understand fundamental solid-state photophysics. Molecular dimers possess more easily defined structures than chromophores in thin films, enabling control of through-bond and through-space couplings. This generally facilitates the development of design principles based on a comprehensive library of structure-property relationships underlying the excited-state photophysics of organic semiconductors. However, this approach assumes that molecular dimers have a well-defined static structure. In this talk, I will discuss in depth the caveats to this approach and the importance of dynamic and static structural heterogeneity in organic photophysics. First, I will introduce structurally heterogeneous singlet fission dynamics occurring in a pentacene dimer, highlighting the significant impact of dynamic and static effects on the formation of initial triplet pairs and the generation of final free triplets. Next, I will discuss the Janus-type photophysics observed in an anthracene dimer, where its excited state dynamics behave oppositely despite the only structural difference being syn- or anti-type connectivity.

* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내
석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.
