

[세미나 공지] 4월 1일

  • POSTED DATE : 2015-03-27
  • WRITER : 관리자
  • HIT : 2905
  • DATE : 2015-04-01
  • PLACE : 화학관 1층 330118호

다음주 특별세미나가 요일(4월 1일) 오후 3시부터 330118호에서 진행됩니다.               

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 제  목 : Carbon Materials for the Future

연  사 : Prof.Rodney S. Ruoff (UNIST)

일  시 : 2015년 4월 1일(수) 오후 3시
장  소 : 화학관 1층 강의실 (330118호)



Carbon Materials for the Future


I offer a personal perspective of what new carbon and related materials might be achieved in the future. These include ‘negative curvature carbons’, ‘diamane’ and related ultrathin sp3-bonded carbon films/foils,sp2/sp3-hybrid materials, and others. I also will discuss research on graphene and other carbons including speculating about future research opportunities based on the results shown.

Of possible interest:

1. (a) Lu XK, Yu MF, Huang H, and Ruoff RS, Tailoring graphite with the goal of achieving single sheets, Nanotechnology, 10, 269-272 (1999).  (b) Lu XK, Huang H, Nemchuk N, and Ruoff RS, Patterning of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by oxygen plasma etching, Applied Physics Letters, 75, 193-195 (1999).

2. Zhu, Yanwu; Murali, Shanthi; Stoller, Meryl D.; Ganesh, K. J.; Cai, Weiwei; Ferreira, Paulo J.; Pirkle, Adam; Wallace, Robert M.; Cychosz, Katie A.; Thommes, Matthias; Su, Dong; Stach, Eric A.; Ruoff, Rodney S. Carbon-Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene. Science 332, 1537-1541 (2011).

3.Odkhuu, Dorj; Shin, Dongbin; Ruoff, Rodney S.; Park, Noejung; Conversion of Multilayer Graphene Into Continuous Ultrathin sp3-bonded Carbon Films on Metal Surfaces Density. Scientific Reports (2013), DOI: 10.1038/srep03276.

4. Ruoff, Rodney S. Personal perspectives on graphene: New graphene-related materials on the horizon. MRS Bulletin, 37, 1314-1318 (2012).