

[세미나공지] 4월 9일(목)

  • POSTED DATE : 2015-04-07
  • WRITER : 관리자
  • HIT : 2809
  • DATE : 2015-04-09
  • PLACE : 화학관 330226호


이번주 목요일(4월 9일) 정규세미나가 진행됩니다.               

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제  목 :  Tracking Single Molecule and Particle

연  사 : 배성철 교수님(UNIST)


일  시 : 2015년 4월 9(목) 오후 4시 30분

장  소 : 화학관 세미나실 (330226호실)


 Tracking Single Molecule and Particle

  Tracking single molecule and particle is useful in characterizing active transport in relevant biological problems. Recent advances in fluorescence microscopy made possible to observe a single molecular event. However, there are many obstacles to track single molecule or particle in-vivo as well as in-vitro. Among them are low signal-to-noise ratio, photobleaching, and so on. In this talk, I will describe our recent works on fluorescence imaging to track active transport of single molecule and particle in living cells and hydrogel. Endosomal active transport within living cells has been observed with nanometer resolution in multiple cell lines and for different cargo types and their behavior was carefully analyzed with millions of tracking data. DNA transport in agarose networks driven by electric field has also been observed with 2-color fluorescence microscopy. The ends and centers of monidisperse DNA molecule were labeled separately and their positions and conformation have been analyzed with nanometer resolution.