* 학부생이 참여가능한 세미나 입니다. 교수님, 대학원생, 학부생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.* 연사 : 화학과 01학번 최상일 교수화학과 세미나가 다음 주 목요일 (5월 2일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===================================================================제 목 : From Bulk to Nanosurfaces: The Cases of Electrocatalysts towards Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Media 연 사 : 최상일 교수(경북대학교 화학과) 일 시 : 2024년 5월 2일(목) 오후 4시 30분 장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실===================================================================From Bulk to Nanosurfaces: The Cases of Electrocatalysts towards Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Media Sang-Il Choi, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry and Green-Nano Materials Research CenterKyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea Surface chemistry has been established from fundamental to practical research, especially catalysis, by utilizing bulk surfaces. Since catalysis occurs at the interface between molecules and molecules or between atoms, it is necessary to look at the actual catalysis environment. In addition, the demand for practical application is rapidly increasing, bulk surfaces must be scaled down to nanosurfaces to understand the parameters operating in real catalysis situation. Therefore, researchers have developed advanced nanocatalysts to understand nanosurface chemistry. Shape-controlled nanocrystals have been prepared for facet-dependent catalysis, and alloyed or bifunctional particles have been extensively investigated for enhancement of catalytic performances. In this presentation, PdH@Pt core-shell and RuC nanosurfaces are introduced to understand alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). On the nanosurface of the PdH@Pt core-shell catalyst, the correlation between the tendency of the electrochemical HER dependent on the ligand and the strain effects is discussed. The RuC nanosurface presents improved HER activity by presenting a bifunctional catalyst containing active sites to simultaneously promote water dissociation and hydrogen generation. * 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
화학과 특별세미나가 다음 주 화요일 (4월 23일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. ===================================================================제 목 : Selective synthesis of organoboron and organosilicon compounds연 사 : Prof. Hajime Ito(Hokkaido University)일 시 : 2024년 4월 23일(화) 오후 4시 30분장 소 : 화학관 1층 330102호실===================================================================Selective synthesis of organoboron and organosilicon compounds Organoboron compounds are an extremely important in organic synthesis, and their selective synthesis has long been the focus of much attention. In particular, the past two decades have seen significant progress in catalytic synthesis using copper(I) catalysts, enabling the synthesis of organoboron compounds with complex structures that were previously considered difficult to synthesize. Ito and Hosomi reported the world's first copper(I)-catalyzed borylation reaction using diboron simultaneously with Ishiyama and Miyaura. Later, Yun et al. reported the world's first copper(I)-catalyzed asymmetric boronation, which subsequently led to significant attention to these reactions. The first half of this talk will report on the status of the early works and our current research on the borylations. In the second half of the talk, I will discuss the sequential synthesis of organosilicon compounds utilizing the silylboron compound synthesis method we have developed.
화학과 세미나가 다음 주 목요일 (4월 18일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. ===============================================================================제 목 : The Pleasure of Finding Things Out with Correlative Nanoscopy 연 사 : 정문석 교수(한양대학교) 일 시 : 2024년 4월 18일(목) 오후 4시 30분 장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실================================================================================ The Pleasure of Finding Things Out with Correlative Nanoscopy Mun Seok JeongDepartment of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Republic of Koreahttp://nanoscopy.hanyang.ac.krmjeong@hanyang.ac.kr In recent years, there has been a growing interest in two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials such as transition metal dichalcogenides and metal monochalcogenides to overcome the limitations of conventional materials. Research on the realization of inorganic flexible optoelectronic devices with atomic-scale thicknesses using the unique properties of 2D nanomaterials is actively proceeding, and the possibility of their application as quantum light sources using defects is also attracting attention. In order to expand the applicability of these 2D nanomaterials, it is essential to understand and control the inevitable defects that occur during the growth process. In this talk, I will introduce the study of defects in 2D nanomaterials through tip-enhanced Raman scattering and artificial intelligence spectroscopy. 1. “Probing Bilayer Grain Boundaries in Large Area Graphene with Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy“ Advanced Materials 29, 7, 1603601 (2017). Kyoung-Duck Park, Markus B. Raschke, Joanna M. Atkin, Young Hee Lee, and Mun Seok Jeong*2. “Unveiling Defect-Related Raman Mode of Monolayer WS2 via Tip-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering“ ACS Nano 12, 10, 9982-9990 (2018). Chanwoo Lee, Byeong Geun Jeong, Seok Joon Yun, Young Hee Lee, Seung Mi Lee*, and Mun Seok Jeong*3. “Investigating heterogeneous defects in single-crystalline WS2 via tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy“ npj 2D Materials and Applications 6, 67 (2022) Chanwoo Lee, Byeong Geun Jeong, Sung Hyuk Kim, Dong Hyeon Kim, Seok Joon Yun, Wooseon Choi, Sung-Jin An, Dongki Lee, Young-Min Kim, Ki Kang Kim, Seung Mi Lee*, and Mun Seok Jeong*4. “Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach to Identify the Origin of Phonon-Assisted Emission in WSe2 Monolayer“ Advanced Intelligent Systems 5, 7, 2200463 (2023) Jaekak Yoo, Youngwoo Cho, Byeonggeun Jeong, Soo Ho Choi, Ki Kang Kim,Seong Chu Lim, Seung Mi Lee,* Jaegul Choo,* and Mun Seok Jeong*5. “Probing the multi-disordered nanoscale alloy at the interface of lateral heterostructure of MoS2–WS2” Nanophotonics 13, 7 (2024) Dong Hyeon Kim, Chanwoo Lee, Sung Hyuk Kim, Byeong Geun Jeong, Seok Joon Yun, Hyeong Chan Suh, Dongki Lee, Ki Kang Kim, and Mun Seok Jeong** 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
화학과 세미나가 이번 주 목요일 (4월 11일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. ===============================================================================제 목 : Recent advances in AI-guided nanoporous materials design and screening for energy and environmental applications연 사 : 정용철 교수(부산대학교)일 시 : 2024년 4월 11일(목) 오후 4시 30분장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실================================================================================Recent advances in AI-guided nanoporous materials design and screening for energy and environmental applications Yongchul G. ChungDepartment of Chemical & Biomolecular EngineeringGraduate School of Chemical EngineeringPusan National Universitydrygchung@gmail.com AbstractMetal-organic frameworks are nanoporous materials precisely synthesized from molecular building blocks and could play a critical role in various energy and environmental settings. Molecular simulation can improve our understanding of adsorption processes in MOFs, and it is now possible to use realistic models for complicated materials and predict adsorption behavior in MOFs that is in quantitative agreement with experiments. In this talk, we review the development of MOF databases for various gas separation and storage applications and discuss the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the accelerated design and discovery of MOFs in other related fields. Additionally, we will discuss the role of multi-scale modeling and simulation on the performance evaluation of MOFs in various settings.* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
화학과 세미나가 이번 주 목요일 (4월 4일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : 무슨 일을 하든지 꼭 알아야 하는 측정과 불확도연 사 : 최종오 박사(데이터신뢰성연구소)일 시 : 2024년 4월 4일(목) 오후 4시 30분장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실================================================================================무슨 일을 하든지 꼭 알아야 하는 측정과 불확도최종오데이터신뢰성연구소이 세상의 거의 모든 일은 측정을 통해서 이루어집니다.많은 분들이 측정은 기기가 하는 것으로 생각하고, 이야기하며, 연구결과를 발표합니다.이번 모임에서는 ‘사람이 하는 측정!’ 과 ‘소급성으로 시작하고 불확도로 마무리하는 측정!’ 에 대한 이야기를 합니다.측정의 개념 변화, 측정 대상의 확대 그리고 소급성과 불확도의 개념, 필요성 및 중요성에 대한 이야기를 합니다. 의대증원 관련 이슈를 비롯하여 여론조사의 오차범위, 뻥연비 사건 및 음주단속 등이 사례로 등장합니다.* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
화학과 세미나가 다음 주 목요일 (3월 28일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. ===============================================================================제 목 : Hetero-diatomic sites for photocatalytic C – C coupling: Mechanistic understanding of reaction mechanisms연 사 : 김태규 교수(KAIST 화학과)일 시 : 2024년 3월 28일(목) 오후 4시 30분 장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실================================================================================ Hetero-diatomic sites for photocatalytic C – C coupling: Mechanistic understanding of reaction mechanisms Tae Kyu KimDepartment of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyDaejeon 34141, Republic of Korea While diatomic-site catalysts (DAC) have garnered tremendous attention for selective CO2 photoreduction, the diatomic-type effect on the product selectivity is severely neglected in dual-atom catalysis, especially in the thermodynamical and kinetical mechanism of CO2 to C2+ products. In this presentation, we present our recent approach to fabricate covalent organic framework (COF) based DAC photocatalysts, and to elucidate related photocatalytic reaction mechanisms. We first engineered a novel Zn-porphyrin/RuCu-pincer complex DAC (ZnPor-RuCuDAC) by cross-organizing dual-atom sites into a COF. Under light illumination, heteronuclear ZnPor-RuCuDAC exhibited the best acetate selectivity (95.1%) with an average rate of 400.5 μmol g−1 h−1, while the homoatomic counterparts presented the best CO selectivity. A series of in-situ spectroscopic analyses revealed that the heteronuclear Ru–Cu sites easily appear as C–C coupling intermediates. Detailed theoretical calculations confirmed that due to the strong gradient orbital coupling caused by the Ru 4d–Cu 3d orbital resonance, two formed *CO intermediates of the heteroatom showed a significantly weaker electrostatic repulsion for an asymmetric charge distribution, which resulted from a side-to-side absorption and narrow dihedral angle distortion. Our approach provides a crucial perspective on the symmetry-forbidden coupling mechanism of C1 intermediates on DACs.* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
화학과 세미나가 이번 주 목요일 (3월 14일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. ===============================================================================제 목 : Overcoming Doping Challenges in Emerging Semiconductors 연 사 : 강기훈 교수(서울대학교 신소재공학과)일 시 : 2024년 3월 14일(목) 오후 4시 30분 장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실================================================================================Overcoming Doping Challenges in Emerging SemiconductorsKeehoon KangDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National Universitykeehoon.kang@snu.ac.krAbstractDoping has been one of the most essential methods to control charge carrier concentration in semiconductors. Excess generation of charge carriers is a key route for controlling electrical properties of semiconducting materials and typically accompanies alteration of electronic structure by the introduction of dopant impurities, both of which have played pivotal roles in making breakthroughs in inorganic microelectronic and optoelectronic devices both at research and industrial levels, especially for Si-based technology. Molecular doping is a facile and effective doping method for various semiconducting materials since it is relatively non-invasive compared to high-energy implantation of ionic impurities used in Si. However, there are main challenges remaining in fully utilising molecular doping in emerging semiconducting materials such as π-conjugated polymer semiconductors, two-dimensional materials and metal-halide perovskites due to the difficulties in preventing dopant-induced disorder effects while maintaining a high carrier mobility. This talk will introduce concepts that we have developed to minimizing the dopant-induced disorder [1, 2, 3] while mitigating current injection and doping stability issues in electronic devices [4, 5], and finally outline the future challenges remaining in the field to fully uncover the potentials. References [1] K. Kang, et. al., “2D Coherent Charge Transport in Highly Ordered Conducting Polymers Doped by Solid State Diffusion”, Nat. Mater., Vol. 15, p. 896, 2016.[2] J. Jang, et. al., “Reduced dopant-induced scattering in remote charge-transfer-doped MoS2 field-effect transistors”, Sci. Adv., Vol. 8, No. 38, p. eabn3181, 2022.[3] J. Lee, et. al., “Bulk Incorporation of Molecular Dopants into Ruddlesden–Popper Organic Metal–Halide Perovskites for Charge Transfer Doping”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 33, 38, 2302048, 2023.[4] Y. Kim, et. al., “Enhanced Charge Injection Properties of Organic Field-Effect Transistor by Molecular Implantation Doping”, Adv. Mater., Vol. 31, p. 1806697, 2019.[5] Y. Kim, et. al., “Highly Stable Contact Doping in Organic Field Effect Transistors by Dopant‐Blockade Method” Adv. Funct. Mater. (2020) Vo. 30, p. 2000058* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
다음 달 진행하는 SKKU_SDU_ZZU Joint Symposium 안내드립니다.많은 관심과 참여부탁드립니다. 일시 : 2024. 1. 22.(월) 9:30-18:00장소 : 화학관 2층 330226호
화학과 특별세미나가 오늘 (12월 18일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : Application of Data-Driven Analysis to Biomolecules and Drug Development연 사 : Dr. Minjeong Cha (Genentech, Inc. South San Francisco, CA, USA (Purification, Microbiology, Virology Department))일 시 : 2023년 12월 18일(월) 오후 4시 30분장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실================================================================================
★ 2023-2학기 마지막 세미나★이번 학기 마지막 화학과 세미나가 12월 14일(목) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. ===============================================================================제 목 : Towards Artificial Photosynthesis연 사 : 안현서 교수(연세대학교 화학과)일 시 : 2023년 12월 14일(목) 오후 4시 30분장 소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실=============================================================================== Towards Artificial PhotosynthesisHyun S. AhnDepartment of Chemistry, Yonsei University,Seoul, South Korea 03722E-mail address: ahnhs@yonsei.ac.krConversion of solar energy into transportable fuels has been an important research theme in physical sciences for the last decade. Many artificial photosynthetic devices have been built with numerous iterations and enhancements, yet all fall short of the biological machinery. In the current presentation, several research avenues toward solar fuels will be explored. These include fundamental studies of charge transport chain to investigations of chemical reactions at an electrode surface. Synthetic methodologies for nanomaterial catalysts will be shared in the first part of the presentation, and energy storage strategies such as direct charge storage in next generation batteries and harvesting of photosynthetic electrons will feature in the latter half. In all, this talk will be an electrochemists view of the elemental steps in artificial photosynthesis, identification of the problems within, and endeavors in fixing them. * 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.관련공지(skku.edu)https://skb.skku.edu/chem/News/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146936&article.offset=10&articleLimit=10)
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