<플래너리 세미나>- 일시 : 2022년 9월 1일(목) 오후 4시 30분- 연사 : 강태선 회장님(기산과학)- 장소 : 화학관 1층 330118호
세미나가 이번주 목요일(6월 9일) 오후 4시에 개최됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : Changing Energy, Charging Life연 사 : 최현 박사(LG 에너지 솔루션)일 시 : 2022년 6월 9일(목) 오후 4시장 소 : 화학관 2층 3302226호* 온/오프라인 동시에 진행됩니다.<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================Changing Energy, Charging Life LG Energy Solution. 공정기술센터최현 전문위원환경에 대한 관심이 커지면서 전기를 이용한 자동차 개발이 선택이 아닌 필수인 시대에 접어들었습니다. 이에 따라 전기자동차의 핵심 부품인 이차전지 시장도 급격한 성장을 하고 있습니다. 이차전지 시장은 현재 수요 대비 공급이 부족한 시장 주도 성장(Market Driven Growth)이 이루어지고 있습니다. 시장 주도 성장에서는 소재 중심의 개발보다는 현재 소재를 중심으로 품질을 보증할 수 있는 공정 개선이 더 필요하며 이를 통한 수율 향상이 제품의 경쟁력을 높일 수 있는 방법 입니다.LG 에너지솔루션에서는 공정 기술의 중요성을 인지하고 2021년부터 공정기술센터를 출범하여 전지의 품질과 공정 개선을 위한 개발을 진행 중에 있습니다.세미나에서는 이차전지 제작 공정에 대한 소개와 LG 에너지솔루션 내 공정기술센터에서 진행 중인 일들에 대한 소개를 하고자 합니다.
세미나가 이번주 목요일(5월 26일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.이번학기 마지막 세미나가 될 예정이며, 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : Accelerated Chemical Science using AI연 사 : 정유성 교수(KAIST)일 시 : 2022년 5월 26일(목) 오후 4시 30분장 소 : 화학관 1층 330118호* 온/오프라인 동시에 진행됩니다.<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================Accelerated Chemical Science using AIYousung Jung*Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea.*E-mail: ysjn@kaist.ac.kr Abstract Discovery of new molecules and materials with desired properties is a practical goal of chemical research. A promising way to significantly accelerate the latter process is to incorporate all available knowledge and data to plan the synthesis of the next materials. In this talk, I will present several directions to use informatics and machine learning to efficiently explore chemical space. 1) I will first describe methods of machine learning for fast and reliable predictions of materials and molecular properties. With these tools in place for property evaluation, 2) I will then present a few generative frameworks that we have recently developed to allow the inverse design of molecules and materials with optimal target properties, either in the compositional space or structural space. One general challenge in digital discovery is that many of the molecules and materials that are computationally designed are often discarded in the laboratories since they are not synthesizable. 3) I will thus lastly spend some time to talk about the synthesizability of molecules and materials, either by predicting the synthesis pathways (retrosynthesis) or chemical reactivity. Several challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for further developments of accelerated chemical platform will be discussed.
세미나가 이번주 목요일(5월 19일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===================================================================제 목 : Improvements to Integrate Water Electrolysis for H2 Production from Renewable Sources연 사 : 조현석 박사(Korea Institute of Energy Research)일 시 : 2022년 5월 19일(목) 오후 4시 30분<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem==================================================================그린수소 생산을 위한 재생에너지 연계 수전해: 저온 수전해 기술 중심 기술개발Improvements to Integrate Water Electrolysis for H2 Production from Renewable Sources Hyun-Seok Cho Hydrogen Researech Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research,152 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-343, Republic of Koreahscho@kier.re.kr The great merits on low temperature water electrolyzer regarding maturity, large capacity, and cost-effective features have drawn much attention as one of the applications for energy storage systems connected to the renewable energy sources such as the wind and solar. These may provide economic advantages for the management of peaks and valleys in electrical loads as storing to hydrogen as second energy carrier sources, especially in long-term and large-scale(>MW) storage systems. However, the variable loads arise from the renewable power sources can affect the performance on electrolysis and influence the apparent durability. Here, we will discuss improvements on the low temperature water electrolyzer by the significant interaction between engineering and material science disciplines. By applying porous durable and efficient electrode and a reinforced composite inorganic separator with improved cell and stack designs, the the electrolyzer can overcome few drawbacks such as low current operation and slow response to variable loads. We believe that the improvements of poor kinetic efficiency and mitigation of components degradation would increase the system lifetime, and thus improve the economics of low temperature water electrolysis.
해외저명대학 교원초청 특별 세미나가 5월 16일(월) 및 5월 23일(월)에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================특강주제 : Bio-inspired material design process to develop functional nanomaterials연 사 : Professor Seung-Wuk Lee(Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley)일 시 : 2022년 5월 16일(월) 12:00~14:00 2022년 5월 23일(월) 12:00~14:00장 소 : Zoom https://xinics.zoom.us/j/88616607565 (5월 16일) https://xinics.zoom.us/j/85331786002 (5월 23일)================================================================================Ⅰ. 강연자: Professor Seung-Wuk Lee - 2006~현재 : Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley - Virus를 이용한 나노바이오 소재의 세계적 권위자 -American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering's College of Fellows (2016) - One of 12 Highlights for President Obama’s US Congress report for the NSF (2014)Ⅱ. 특강주제 및 내용: Bio-inspired material design process to develop functional nanomaterials-Self-assembly: How to crease diverse structures and functions using a natural self-assembly process.-Directed evolution: How to accelerate a new material discovery process using a biomimetic evolution process.-Application: How to apply biological material design concept to solve real world problemsⅢ. 주관: 자연과학대학 화학과 (고두현 교수, 재료화학1 수업)
세미나가 이번주 목요일(5월 12일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : Development of Organometallic Iridium and Nickel Catalysts for Green Acetyl Process연 사 : 유창호 박사(한국화학연구원)일 시 : 2022년 5월 12일(목) 오후 4시 30분<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================ body{font-family :돋움; color : #000000; font-size : 10pt; margin: 7px 7px 0 7px;} p,li{line-height:1.2; word-wrap: break-word; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;} body{overflow:auto;}.NamoSE_layoutlock_show { word-break: break-all;} body{font-family :굴림; color : #000000; font-size : 10pt; margin : 7px 0 0 7px;} p,li{line-height:1.2; word-wrap: break-word; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;} body{overflow:auto;}.NamoSE_layoutlock_show { word-break: break-all;} body{font-family :굴림; color : #000000; font-size : 10pt; margin : 7px 0 0 7px;} p,li{line-height:1.2; word-wrap: break-word; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;} body{overflow:auto;}.NamoSE_layoutlock_show { word-break: break-all;} body{font-family :굴림; color : #000000; font-size : 10pt; margin : 7px 0 0 7px;} p,li{line-height:1.2; word-wrap: break-word; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;} body{overflow:auto;}.NamoSE_layoutlock_show { word-break: break-all;} Development of Organometallic Iridium and Nickel Catalystsfor Green Acetyl ProcessChangho YooGreen Carbon Research CenterKorea Research Institute of Chemical TechnologyMillions of tons of “acetyls” such as acetic acid and acetic anhydride are produced each year, before these basic building blocks of chemical industry are elaborated into esters, amides, and eventually polymer materials, pharmaceuticals, and other consumer products. The vast majority of acetyls are produced industrially through homogeneous catalysis that relies on toxic methyl iodide promotors and scare precious metal catalyst. Therefore, development of iodide-free processes or earth-abundant catalysts has attracted the attention of both academic and industrial scientists.In the first part, fundamental studies on C–O bond activation using iridium complexes will be presented as a new direction for iodide-free carbonylation. The C–O cleavage of ether and ester was discovered using iridium(I) pincer complexes. The individual steps of methanol carbonylation to methyl acetate was studied to demonstrate an alternative approach for iodide-free carbonylation. Mechanistic studies show initial C–H activation and carbene formation by iridium(I) species to precede productive C–O bond activation. Kinetic studies of migratory insertion and reductive elimination reveal essential roles of the solvent methanol and distinct features of acetate and iodide anions that are relevant to the design of future catalysts for iodide-free carbonylation.In the second part, nickel catalyst for ester carbonylation will be presented. The nickel catalysts supported by N-heterocyclic carbene ligands mediate the carbonylation of methyl esters producing anhydrides with high yields at low catalyst loading. The use of persistent carbene supporting ligands, which can be added as their air-stable imidazolium salt conjugate acid form, represents a dramatic improvement over prior nickel-catalyzed carbonylation reactions supported by tertiary phosphine ligands, raising hopes for industrial application of base metal carbonylation catalysts.
세미나가 이번주 목요일(4월 28일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : Nanoparticle that interacts with host biology: Toward targeted drug delivery and precision medicine연 사 : 주진명 교수(UNIST 바이오메디컬공학과)일 시 : 2022년 4월 28일(목) 오후 4시 30분<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================Nanoparticle that interacts with host biology: Toward targeted drug delivery and precision medicineJinmyoung JooDepartment of Biomedical Engineering,Ulsan National Institute of Science and TechnologyNanotechnology have attracted great attention to molecular biology and translational medicine because life processes are maintained by the action of a series of molecular nanomachines in the cell machinery. Recent advances in nanoscale materials that possess emergent physical properties and molecular organization hold great promise to impact human health in the diagnostic and therapeutic arenas. In order to be effective, nanomaterials need to navigate the host biology and traffic to relevant biological structures, such as diseased or pathogenic cells. Moreover, nanoparticles intended for human administration must be designed to interact with, and ideally leverage, a living host environment. Inspired by nature, we use peptides to transfer biological trafficking properties to synthetic nanoparticles to achieve targeted delivery of payloads. In this talk, development of nanoscale materials will be presented with a particular focus on targeted drug delivery for precision medicine. Unique combinations of material properties that can be achieved with nanomaterials provide new opportunities in translational nanomedicine. This framework for constructing nanomaterials that leverage bio inspired molecules to traffic diagnostic and therapeutic payloads can contribute on better understanding of living systems to solve problems in human health. The biocompatible and self-destructive nanocarriers present promising potential for therapeutic application via targeted delivery. Tailoring design strategies of the biomedical nanoparticle platforms and their practical applications as a theranostic agent are also discussed.
세미나가 취소되었습니다.세미나가 이번주 목요일(4월 21일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : Catalytic Functionalization of Nitrogen Compounds: From Selective C–H Amination to Photocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis연 사 : 박윤수 교수(KAIST 화학과)일 시 : 2022년 4월 21일(목) 오후 4시 30분<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================Catalytic Functionalization of Nitrogen Compounds:From Selective C–H Amination to Photocatalytic Ammonia SynthesisYoonsu ParkDepartment of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),Daehak-ro 291, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea.Webpage: https://ypark-lab.com/ Email: yoonsu.park@kaist.ac.krNitrogen-containing molecules are of great importance in the field of organic chemistry, inorganic synthesis, and material science owing to their unique chemical and physical properties.1 In this talk, I will showcase how a well-defined molecular catalyst could give an efficient and selective access to various classes of nitrogen compounds. In the first part of the talk, mechanistically driven discovery of novel class of amide agents will be discussed. Extensive Investigation on rhodium-catalyzed C–H amidation with organic azide led us to introduce 1,4,2-dioxazol-5-ones as highly efficient amide precursor.2 An integrated low-temperature NMR kinetics and computational study revealed a key role of high-valent metal-nitrenoid intermediate,3 and further efforts to utilize its reactivity enabled to design a new array of iridium catalysts for γ-lactam formation.4 Asymmetric5 and site-selective6 catalysis has been also achieved by utilizing non-covalent interactions. The second part of the talk will focus on the development of bifunctional photocatalysts for ammonia synthesis. Proton-coupled electron transfer using molecular hydrogen as a terminal reductant is an attractive strategy for synthesizing weak element-hydrogen bonds, but the intrinsic thermodynamics presents a challenge for reactivity. I will describe the direct photocatalytic synthesis of weak element-hydrogen bonds of unsaturated organic molecules7 as well as metal-nitrogen compounds.8 Activation of molecular hydrogen occurs in the ground state and the resulting iridium hydride harvests visible light to enable spontaneous formation of weak chemical bonds near thermodynamic potential without any by-product. Transient absorption spectroscopic studies revealed a triplet-triplet energy transfer as the photophysical initiation process. Identification of catalyst deactivation pathway led to a design of the next-generation catalyst with improved photostability and better catalytic performance.9References1. Park, Y.; Kim, Y.; Chang S. Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9247.2. Park, Y.; Park, K. T.; Kim, J. G.; Chang S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4534.3. Park, Y.; Heo, J.; Baik, M.-H.; Chang, S. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 14020.4. Hong, S. Y.†; Park, Y.†; Hwang, Y.; Kim, Y. B.; Baik, M.-H.; Chang, S. Science 2018, 359,1016. († denotes co-first authors)5. Park, Y.; Chang, S. Nat. Catal. 2019, 2, 219.6. Jung, H.; Schrader, M.; Kim, D.; Baik, M.-H.*; Park, Y.*; Chang, S.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 15356–15366.7. Park, Y.; Kim, S.; Tian, L.; Zhong, H.; Scholes, G. D.; Chirik, P. J. Nat. Chem. 2021, 13, 969.8. Park, Y.; Semproni, S. P.; Zhong, H. Chirik, P. J. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 14376.9. Park, Y.†; Tian, L.†; Kim, S.; Pabst, T. P.; Kim, J.; Scholes, G. D.; Chirik, P. J. JACS Au 2022, 2, 407.
세미나가 이번주 목요일(3월 31일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : a-Functionalization of Unprotected Alicyclic Amines via Transient Imines연 사 : 김재현 교수(중앙대학교 약학대학)일 시 : 2022년 3월 31일(목) 오후 4시 30분<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================a-Functionalization of Unprotected Alicyclic Amines via Transient Imines Jae Hyun KimCollege of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, South KoreaEmail: jaehyunkim@cau.ac.kr Substituted cyclic amines are key structural motif of important pharmaceutical drugs and natural products. A new advance in the access to such heterocycles is the functionalization of transient imines which can be prepared in situ from N-lithiated cyclic amines and simple ketone oxidants. We have achieved the alkylation of transiently generated imines with enolates in the presence of Lewis acid to provide valuable β-amino ketones.[1] The resulting a-alkylated cyclic amines could be further functionalized via condensation or intramolecular heteroconjugate addition by taking advantage of the unprotected secondary amine moiety. The alkylation of transiently generated imines with β-ketoacids under mild decarboxylative conditions provided β-amino ketones with unprecedented ease.[2] Importantly, regioselective α’-alkylation was achieved for substrates with existing α-substituents. Further substrate diversification was achieved by combining decarboxylative alkylation with a subsequent SNAr step in a single operation to provide polycyclic dihydroquinolones.
세미나가 이번주 목요일(3월 24일) 오후 4시 30분에 개최됩니다.많은 참여 부탁드립니다.===============================================================================제 목 : PEGylation Technologies for Better Protein Drugs연 사 : 나동희 교수(중앙대학교 약학대학)일 시 : 2022년 3월 24일(목) 오후 4시 30분<Webex참여>방번호: 170 974 2739링크: https://skku-ict.webex.com/meet/chem================================================================================PEGylation Technologies for Better Protein Drugs Dong Hee Na, Ph.D. College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University(E-mail: dhna@cau.ac.kr) PEGylation is a pharmaceutical technology that attaches one or more polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules to therapeutic molecules, thereby improving their pharmaceutical properties. PEG, a synthetic polymer comprised of repeating ethylene oxide units, is chemically inert and has low toxicity, and has been approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for oral, intravenous, and dermal applications in the pharmaceutical industry. The attachment of PEG to proteins affords the prolonged circulation lifetime owing to reduced renal clearance, improved stability against proteolytic enzymes, enhanced solubility in biological fluids, and reduced toxicity/immunogenicity. Since the first PEGylated enzyme products (PEG-adenosine deaminase; Adagen® and PEG-L-asparaginase; Oncaspar®) appeared on the market in the early 1990s, over 18 PEGylated products have been approved and launched. The approved PEGylated products include various classes of drug molecules, such as enzymes (adenosine deaminase, asparaginase, uricase, and phenylalanine ammonia lyase), interferons (interferon α-2a, interferon α-2b, and interferon beta-1a), granulocyte colony-stimulating factors, hormones (epoetin-β), antibody fragments (anti-TNF Fab), coagulation factors, oligonucleotide aptamers, synthetic peptides, and small organic molecules (naloxone). These approved drug products have demonstrated the applicability and effectiveness of PEGylation technology. This presentation overviews advances of PEGylation technology and then introduces strategies for precise PEGylation and non-covalent PEGylation approaches for protein formulation development.
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