

Plasmonic-induced fluorescence resonance energy transfer to harness entire solar photons

  • POSTED DATE : 2021-09-09
  • WRITER : 화학과
  • HIT : 3052
  • DATE : 2021년 9월 9일(목) 오후 4시 30분
  • PLACE : Webex

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제  목 : Plasmonic-induced fluorescence resonance energy transfer to harness entire solar photons
연  사 : 고두현 교수(성균관대학교 화학과)
일  시 : 2021년 9월 9일(목오후 4시 30분


방번호: 170 974 2739



Plasmonic-induced fluorescence resonance energy transfer to harness entire solar photons



Doo-Hyun Ko


Department of Chemistry, 

Sungkyunkwan University 


The conversion and manipulation of light via lanthanide-based upconversion (UC) and downshifting (DS) show promise in numerous applications. We demonstrate the lanthanide-doped nanotemplates to improve conversion of ultraviolet and near-infrared to visible light through resonant-mode excitation. The templates are fabricated using nanoimprint technique wherein ordered arrays of nanoscale features are readily made over large areas. The facile process and mild fabrication condition for the proposed structure has potential advantage of applying for flexible devices. It is found that optimized silver nanodisk and the conversion layer thickness match MIM (metal-insulator-metal) resonance mode and thereby result in both enhanced upconversion and downshifting luminescence. All lanthanide luminescence layers for upconversion and downshifting process enable to utilize the cavity mode for the enhanced both luminescence performance by matching emission range from both upconversion and downshifting. The structure is showing a promising way to harness the entire solar photons by converting both ultraviolet and near-infrared to visible light concurrently through resonant-mode excitation.