

Vascularized tissue-on-a-Chip Platforms for modeling human vasculature-related diseases

  • POSTED DATE : 2023-03-14
  • WRITER : 화학과
  • HIT : 1857
  • DATE : 2023년 3월 16일(목) 오후 4시 30분
  • PLACE : 330226호실

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제  목 : Vascularized tissue-on-a-Chip Platforms for modeling human vasculature-related diseases

연  사 : 김홍남 박사님(한국과학기술연구원)
일  시 : 2023년 3월 16일(목)오후 4시 30분

장  소 : 화학관 2층 330226호실


Vascularized tissue-on-a-Chip Platforms for modeling human vasculature-related diseases

Hong Nam Kim*

Brain Science Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Republic of Korea




Various testing models, including plastic dish-cultured cells, small animals, and large animals, have been extensively used as alternative models for humans in drug development. However, cell culture models lack physiological relevance, and animal models exhibit inherent genetic heterogeneity with humans. As a result, the efficacy of drug candidates may be exaggerated, or their toxicity underestimated. In this regard, bioengineers have developed human-organ-mimetic testing models. In this presentation, the human-organ-mimetic organ-on-a-chip model is presented with a particular focus on the vascular-tissue interaction. Vascularized tissue models can mimic the cellular composition and functional aspects of human organs, as well as the microenvironment of tissues, including flow, mechanical properties, and molecular transport. By using the vascularized tissue-on-a-chip model, various diseases can be modeled, such as blood-brain barrier (BBB)-associated diseases, cancer therapy, and infection-associated vascular disruption. Additionally, vascularized platforms can be used for transplantation purposes to facilitate rapid and effective tissue regeneration. It is envisioned that the vascularized tissue models can address the unmet needs of human-organ-specific testing platforms and thus help the drug development process.



[1]   S. Seo, S. Y. Nah, K. Lee*, N. Choi*, H. N. Kim*, “Triculture model of in vitro BBB and its application to study BBB-associated chemosensitivity and drug delivery in glioblastoma”, Advanced Functional Materials, 32, 2106860 (2021). *Inside front cover

[2]   D. Kim, K. S. Hwang, E. U Seo, S. Seo, B. C. Lee, N. Choi, J. Choi, H. N. Kim*, "Vascularizaed lung cancer model for evaluating the promoted transport of anticancer drugs and immune cells in an engineered tumor environment", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 11, 12, 2102581 (2022). *Inside back cover

[3]   J. H. Kang#,*, M. Jang#, S. J. Seo, A. Choi, D. Shin, S. Seo, S. H. Lee*, H. N. Kim*, "Mechanobiological adaptation to hyperosmolarity enhances barrier function in human vascular microphysiological system", Advanced Scienceadvanced online publication (2023).

[4]   S. Bang#, D. Tahk#, Y. H. Choi#, S. Lee, J. Lim, S. -R. Lee, B. -S. Kim, H. N. Kim*, N. S. Hwang*, N. L. Jeon*, “3D Microphysiological System-Inspired Scalable Vascularized Tissue Constructs for Regenerative Medicine”, Advanced Functional Materials, 32, 2105745 (2022). *Front cover


* 졸업논문 교과목 수강자 세미나 필수 참석 안내
석사, 석박통합, 박사과정이 수강하는 <졸업논문연구학점 1~6>수강자는 학과에서 개최하는 목요일 정규세미나에 반드시 참석해야함.
