

[세미나 공지] - 2014년 11월 4일(화)

  • POSTED DATE : 2014-11-04
  • WRITER : 관리자
  • HIT : 2919
  • DATE : 2014-11-04
  • PLACE : 화학관 1층 330118호실



11월 4일 1층 330118호에서 세미나가 개최됩니다.

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제  목 :  A Journey Towards Ligand-Enabled Sterically Hindered Cross-Coupling Reactions

연  사 : Fuk Yee (Michael) KWONG (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

일  시 : 2014년 11월 4일 (화) 오후 4시 30분

장  소 : 화학관 1층 첨단강의실 (330118호실)


A Journey Towards Ligand-Enabled Sterically Hindered Cross-Coupling Reactions

     Catalytic cross-coupling process has emerged as one of the most straightforward and widespread used protocols for scientists to produce chemical modifications for assembling structurally unprecedented, yet materially and pharmaceutically attractive compounds. Indeed, these methods have revolutionized the way chemists to perform complex organic synthesis. At the center of these synthetic technologies, catalyst development which allow selective bondcleavage/-construction using relatively unreactive, yet rich-feedstock in nature components would be highly attractive. Thus, catalyst exploration and development is particularly central to contemporary catalysis research for innovative organic synthesis.