

[세미나공지] 3월 5일(목)

  • POSTED DATE : 2015-03-03
  • WRITER : 관리자
  • HIT : 2854
  • DATE : 2015-03-05
  • PLACE : 화학관 330226호

이번주 목요일(3월 5일) 정규세미나가 진행됩니다.               

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제  목 :  Ideal probe single molecule experiments reveal the intrinsic dynamic heterogeneity of a supercooled liquid

연  사 : 팽기욱 교수님(성균관대학교)


일  시 : 2015년 3월 5(목) 오후 4시 30분

장  소 : 화학관 세미나실 (330226호실)



 Ideal probe single molecule experiments reveal the intrinsic dynamic heterogeneity of a supercooled liquid



      The concept of dynamic heterogeneity and the picture of the supercooled liquid as a mosaic of environments with distinct dynamics that interchange in time have been invoked to explain the non-exponential relaxations measured in these systems. The spatial extent and temporal persistence of these regions of distinct dynamics have remained challenging to identify. Here, single molecule fluorescence measurements using a probe similar in size and mobility to the host o-terphenyl unambiguously reveal exponential relaxations distributed in time and space and directly demonstrate ergodicity of the system down to the glass transition temperature. In the temperature range probed, at least 200 times the structural relaxation time of the host is required to recover ensemble averaged relaxation at every spatial region in the system.