

Quantum simulation of molecular problems

  • POSTED DATE : 2017-03-07
  • WRITER : 관리자
  • HIT : 3457
  • DATE : 2017-03-09
  • PLACE : 화학관 330226호


제  목 : Quantum simulation of molecular problems

연  사 : 허준석 교수님(성균관대학교 화학과)

일  시 : 2017년 3월 9일(목) 오후 4시 30분

장  소 : 화학관 세미나실 (330226호실)


Quantum simulation of molecular problems


Joonsuk Huh

Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University


The intrinsic nature of parallelism of quantum states is anticipated to give extraordinary computational power to quantum processors for certain problems. A linear optical network is one of the simplest quantum processors that it could reveal the (computational) quantum supremacy against classical machines. A photon-sampling problem in a linear optical network, so-called Boson Sampling, is a specially designed mathematical problem, which is expected to be intractable for any classical machine. In my talk, I will present what we can do with the photonic quantum simulator (non-universal quantum computer) practically. Boson Sampling is generalized with Gaussian input states to simulate the molecular vibronic spectroscopy [1-5].

[1] J. Huh, G. G. Guerreschi, B. Peropadre, J. R. McClean, and A. Aspuru-Guzik. Boson Sampling for Molecular Vibronic Spectra. Nature Photon. 9 (2015): pp 615-620.
[2] J. Huh and M.-H, Yung, Hierarchy in Sampling Gaussian-correlated Bosons, Preprint: arXiv:1608.03731.
[3] Y. Shen, J. Huh, Y. Lu, J. Zhang, K. Zhang, S. Zhang and K. Kim, Quantum simulation of molecular spectroscopy in trapped-ion device, Preprint: arXiv:1702.04859
[4] D. G Olivares, B. Peropadre, J. Huh and J. J. García-Ripoll,
Quantum emulation of molecular force fields: A blueprint for a superconducting architecture
Preprint: arXiv:1611.08101
[5] B. Peropadre, J. Huh and C. Sabin, Dynamical Casimir effect for boson sampling, Preprint: arXiv:1610.07777